Home / Edi­tions / Bari 2015

Bari 2015

V Edi­tion . 29–31 octo­ber
Also for its fifth edi­tion, Med­imex presents itself as a real city of music designed on an area of 20 thou­sand square meters with 100 exhib­it­ors from all over the world, over 200 guests from 27 coun­tries and 150 events in three days.

Also for its fifth edi­tion, Med­imex comes as a real music city designed on an area of 20 thou­sand square meters with 100 exhib­it­ors from around the world, over 200 guests from 27 coun­tries and 150 events in three days.

No less than 70 events in 6 spaces and 40 con­certs on 5 stages, includ­ing per­form­ances by Aus­trali­an pop star Nat­alie Imbruglia, Sicili­an sing­er-song­writer Car­men Con­soli and Hindi Zahra, defined as the ” North Afric­an Patti Smith”. And also live per­form­ances by some of the most inter­est­ing artists of the Itali­an and inter­na­tion­al music scene, includ­ing Kutso, Gio­vanni Cac­camo and Santa Mar­garet. On the stage ded­ic­ated to the music of Puglia, the artists who pro­duced a record­ing pro­ject sup­por­ted by Puglia Sounds in 2015: Radi­oder­vish, Erica Mou, Raf­faele Cas­arano and Car­o­lina Bub­bico.

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The 2015 Meet the Author events fea­tured Bri­an Eno, who presen­ted the world premiere of Light Paint­ings as a visu­al artist. His install­a­tion was on dis­play at Teatro Mar­gher­ita in Bari. Among the oth­er guests of the Meet the Author gath­er­ings: Gianna Nan­nini, Car­men Con­soli, Ludovico Ein­audi, the Sud Sound Sys­tem and Vini­cio Capos­sela, who cel­eb­rated his 25-year long career right at Med­imex. This edi­tion has also seen the par­ti­cip­a­tion of com­poser Dav­id Lang, the Depro­du­cers (Max Cas­acci, Vit­torio Cosma, Gianni Maroc­colo and Ric­cardo Sin­igal­lia), writers Erri De Luca, Gian­rico Carofiglio and Gian­carlo De Cataldo, and a group of emer­ging Itali­an music tal­ents includ­ing rap­per Ensi, Lo Stato Sociale, Francesca Michielin, The Kolors and Lorenzo Fragola, who won the Med­imex Academy awards for Best New Artist and Best First Work.

In the Pan­els sec­tion Med­imex 2015 hos­ted artist­ic dir­ect­ors and experts in fest­iv­al organ­iz­a­tion, pro­duc­tion and pro­mo­tion from the most import­ant fest­ivals and live per­form­ance exper­i­ences on a glob­al scale: Sta­cey Will­helm from South by South­w­est in Aus­tin (USA), Chris Gar­rit, the “night may­or” of Gronin­gen, the Dutch city of night­life and Euro­son­ic, Mal­colm Haynes from Gla­ston­bury (UK), Enrik Rasmussem from Roskilde (Den­mark), Izzy Loi­caono from Great Escape (UK) and Peter Smidt from c/o pop Fest­iv­al (Ger­many) were among them.