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Bari 2017

VI Edi­tion . 8–11 june
Great live music accom­pan­ied by an import­ant space for dis­cus­sion on the oppor­tun­it­ies of the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al mar­ket.

There are four keywords for Med­imex, which from 2017, turns into an Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al & Music Con­fer­ence. Great live music, with the prot­ag­on­ists of the world scene, accom­pan­ied by many import­ant meet­ings, debates, events to i) exchange ideas on the poten­tial of the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al music mar­kets, and ii) reflect on the chal­lenges that new tech­no­lo­gies bring about in the music sec­tor and iii) cre­ate net­works and pro­mote one’ s own work. A very spe­cial chance for oper­at­ors, who could meet fest­iv­al dir­ect­ors, agency man­agers, record labels and inter­na­tion­al stake­hold­ers. There was a full pro­gram of con­certs, DJ sets, Meet the Author gath­er­ings and pro­fes­sion­al events, exhib­i­tions and side events. Med­imex 2017 was all this, no longer just an exhib­i­tion but rather the heart­beat of the town.

Med­imex changes its iden­tity and becomes a music week. An event in which region­al and nation­al music oper­at­ors were able to par­ti­cip­ate in pro­fes­sion­al and net­work­ing activ­it­ies, meet dir­ect­ors of European fest­ivals, book­ing agency man­agers and, at the same time, the gen­er­al pub­lic was able to par­ti­cip­ate in a great cel­eb­ra­tion of music with live shows, DJ sets, exhib­i­tions, vinyl mar­ket, screen­ings and numer­ous side events.

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With many ven­ues scattered in Bari from Piazza Prefettura, to the Mur­at­tiano neigh­bor­hood, Palace Café,  Cas­tello Svevo, former Palazzo delle Poste, AncheCinema Roy­al, Pet­ruzzelli Theat­er, Piazza del Fer­rarese and Spazi9o Mur­at. But also Largo Gian­nella, Torre Quetta, Parco 2 Giugno and Pala­florio.

Many con­certs, meet­ings, pre­views and exhib­i­tions ded­ic­ated to the world of music in all of its aspects: after a one-year stop, Med­imex is back with the exclus­ive free-admis­sion con­cert of Iggy Pop on June 10, and with many oth­er live shows: Solange, Tricky, Slow­dive, Salmo and many guests in the dif­fer­ent meet­ings, includ­ing Carlo Mas­sar­ini, pho­to­graph­er Masay­oshi Sukita author of the most fam­ous shots of Dav­id Bowie, Gaetano Cur­reri, Raf, Cal­cutta, Cosmo, Fab­riz­io Moro, Michele Bravi and Samuel.

Among the new fea­tures of this edi­tion, Puglia Sounds Musi­cari­um, a work­shop on music crafts with renowned lec­tur­ers and the Song­writ­ing Camp, a song­writ­ing school.