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Fog­gia 2019

VIII Edi­tion . 11–14 april
Four days of music in the Dauni­an cap­it­al with a rich pro­gram of ini­ti­at­ives in the most rep­res­ent­at­ive places of the city, with con­certs, meet­ings with Itali­an and inter­na­tion­al guests, exhib­i­tions, music train­ing activ­it­ies and oth­er col­lat­er­al events.

Med­imex Spring Fog­gia took place in Fog­gia as a pre­view of the 2019 edi­tion of the fol­low­ing June, in Taranto. Four days of music in the Dauni­an cap­it­al with a rich pro­gram of ini­ti­at­ives in the most rep­res­ent­at­ive places of the city, with con­certs, meet­ings with Itali­an and inter­na­tion­al guests, exhib­i­tions, music train­ing activ­it­ies and oth­er col­lat­er­al events.

Renzo Arbore with a spe­cial pro­ject and the Brit­ish musi­cian Bry­an Ferry, founder of Roxy Music, were the prot­ag­on­ists of the two free admis­sion con­certs sched­uled in Piazza Cavour. On Fri­day 12 April, Arbore coordin­ated an unpre­ced­en­ted live per­form­ance in which some of the most rep­res­ent­at­ive expo­nents of Itali­an jazz were involved, includ­ing Enrico Rava, Dado Mor­oni with Ros­ar­io Bon­ac­corso and Roberto Gatto, Stefano Di Bat­tista, Enrico Zan­isi and the sing­ers Nicky Nic­olai . On Sat­urday 13 April Bry­an Ferry held the only Itali­an date of his world tour for Med­imex a few days after Roxy Music entered the Rock­’n’Roll Hall of Fame. The two con­certs were opened by Apuli­an artists selec­ted among the par­ti­cipants in the Puglia Sounds Record 2018 call (Young Sec­tion).

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The Spring Edi­tion of Med­imex in Fog­gia also fea­tured a Meet the Author gath­er­ing at Palazzo della Dogana with Pat­tie Boyd, whose photo exhib­i­tion “Pat­tie Boyd and The Beatles”, cur­ated by Ono Arte Con­tem­por­anea, was held from April 7 to May 6.  This amaz­ing exhib­i­tion included forty icon­ic shots through which the Brit­ish pho­to­graph­er “speaks” about her rela­tion­ship with the Beatles and her first two hus­bands, George Har­ris­on and Eric Clapton. The pho­tos, that had already been on dis­play in Dub­lin, Sydney, Toronto, Moscow, Lon­don and the United States, covered a time span of more than thirty years.

Med­imex has also offered to the town of Fog­gia, with­in the Fondazione dei Monti Uniti, anoth­er import­ant exhib­i­tion entirely ded­ic­ated to the Fend­er world with the Fend­er Vin­tage Museum by Rete di imp­rese Oltre and Apuli­an Gui­tar Star­tup. More than one hun­dred pieces, includ­ing sol­id body string instru­ments and amp­li­fi­ers built between 1951 and 1974, col­lec­ted by Falvio Cam­or­ani for the Prisma Melody Asso­ci­ation, on dis­play in a chro­no­lo­gic­al and philo­lo­gic­al order togeth­er with cata­logues, posters, doc­u­ments, mem­or­ab­il­ia and vin­tage pho­to­graphs, for an unmiss­able jour­ney into the golden age of the com­pany foun­ded by Leo Fend­er.

Among the guests of the Meet the Author gath­er­ings, Pat­tie Boyd, Ex-Otago, Renzo Arbore, Noemi, Ermal Meta, Nina Zilli and Pier­davide, inter­viewed by Ern­esto Assante. Finally, the spe­cial atmo­sphere of the “Rock Class” at the Teatro del Fuoco, where as part of the ini­ti­at­ives ded­ic­ated to the Beatles, Ern­esto Assante and Gino Castaldo hos­ted the event a “Beatles Night 1960–1969” with spe­cial guest Klaus Voor­mann.