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Digit­al Edi­tion

X Edi­tion . 3–18 june 2020
The first inter­na­tion­al digit­al music con­fer­ence pro­posed activ­it­ies ded­ic­ated to train­ing and music pro­fes­sion­als with work­shops, insights, webinars, focuses on the inter­na­tion­al scene, music schools and a spe­cial Rock les­son.

Med­imex D closed with almost 100 hours of stream­ing activ­ity and 350 thou­sand people reached on social net­works. The first inter­na­tion­al digit­al music con­fer­ence, pro­moted by Puglia Sounds, from 3 to 18 June pro­posed activ­it­ies ded­ic­ated to train­ing and music pro­fes­sion­als with work­shops, insights, webinars, focus on the inter­na­tion­al scene, music schools and a spe­cial Rock les­son. Almost 100 hours of stream­ing activ­ity, 350 thou­sand people reached on social net­works, approx­im­ately 70 thou­sand total views recor­ded to date and 1500 users who par­ti­cip­ated in online work­shops and webinars (still avail­able on the medimex.it web­site), 130 thou­sand inter­ac­tions on Face­book, 140 thou­sand on Ins­tagram and 50 thou­sand on Twit­ter. The media cov­er­age was not­able, with around 200 nation­al and region­al news­pa­pers report­ing on the Med­imex D and the indi­vidu­al events.

Numer­ous guests, Itali­an and inter­na­tion­al, and the top­ics addressed. From the Future of Live Music with Clem­ente Zard (Vivo Con­certi) and Tom­maso Para­diso to Una vita in Stream­ing with Chiara San­toro (Google Italia) and Ghemon, passing through Is the crisis indie? with Clau­dio Fer­rante (Artist First) and Francesco Sar­cina, Le Major and the crisis with Andrea Rosi (Sony) and Ric­cardo Zan­otti (Pen­guini Tat­tici Nuc­le­ari). Suc­cess for the Rock Les­son: Music in Puglia with Ern­esto Assante and Diod­ato, a jour­ney to one of the most music­al regions of Italy and among its artists, who over the years have writ­ten fun­da­ment­al pages in the his­tory of Itali­an music. There is a broad focus on the inter­na­tion­al scene, aimed at artists and music oper­at­ors, with the webinars Live stream­ing and con­nec­ted exper­i­ences with Jan Ole Otnaes, Chris­toph Huber, Raf­faele Cas­arano and Roberto Ottavi­ano, How the COVID-19 Crisis May Change the Music Busi­ness with Mar­tin Gold­schmidt , Someone To Watch Over Me by EJN, Europe Jazz Net­work and Com­mu­nic­at­ing in times of crisis with Geor­gia Taglietti. There is also space for syn­chron­iz­a­tion with mas­ter­classes and work­shops organ­ized by NODE: Com­pos­i­tion tech­niques and prac­tices for film music with maes­tro Clau­dio Simon­etti (Gob­lin), Sound Design for Gam­ing with Andrea Fed­er­ici (Acca­demia Itali­ana Videogio­chi), The pub­lish­ing con­tract inten­ded for syn­chron­iz­a­tions with Marco Bar­bone, Listen­ing ses­sion by Guild of Music Super­visor UK with Nick Angel and Ben Sum­ner and finally James Han­nigan in con­ver­sa­tion with John Broom­hall. The digit­al ver­sion of Puglia Sounds Musi­cari­um, the school of music­al pro­fes­sions with the usu­al basic and advanced ver­sions, with numer­ous les­sons: Self-pro­duc­tions with Ant­on­ella Rizzi, The musi­cian in the digit­al era with Massimo Bon­elli, Social Music Mar­ket­ing: find­ing new fans with social media with Gab­ri­ele Aprile, Lyr­ics and music writ­ing with Giuseppe Ana­stasi, Rock Por­traits — Pho­to­graph­ic post pro­duc­tion with Gio­vanni Can­it­ano and In-The-Box Record­ing and Mix­ing with Marc Urselli, three-time Grammy Award win­ner. Great par­ti­cip­a­tion also for Puglia Sounds Plus: meet­ing with oper­at­ors in which Loredana Capone, region­al coun­cilor for the Tour­ist and Cul­tur­al Industry, and Cesare Veronico, artist­ic coordin­at­or Puglia Sounds/Medimex, illus­trated the new pub­lic notices of Puglia Sounds to oper­at­ors and artists ima­gined to face the com­plex scen­ario facing the Apuli­an music sec­tor.