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Taranto 2022

XII Edi­tion – First part . 16–19 June
The four days in Taranto were a dry and power­ful edi­tion, com­par­able to the first stage of a space launch.

The four days in Taranto were a dry and power­ful edi­tion, com­par­able to the first stage of a space launch. Mean­while, Med­imex con­tin­ues its ascent to reach Bari, in July, from the 13th to the 15th. The gen­er­os­ity of the guest artists has touched peaks of true com­mu­nion with Nick Cave and his The Bad Seeds, in a united and quiv­er­ing Rotonda, a lawn of 14 thou­sand exult­ant hands.

The same gen­er­os­ity shown with grace by Mar­gher­ita Car­ducci or Diton­el­lapiaga, by Fil­ippo Grazi­ani and Fed­erico Pog­gi­pollini, who gave them­selves to the pub­lic that crowded the Fusco Theat­er — at dif­fer­ent times — in per­form­ances without reser­va­tions; that of Tom­maso Col­li­va and Enrico Gab­ri­elli with their new pro­ject ded­ic­ated to the Maes­tro, Ennio Mor­ricone, in the meet­ing where Michele Riondino also par­ti­cip­ated. The lively intel­li­gence, the desire to be heard of the founder of Hip­gnos­is Stu­dio, Aubrey Pow­ell, who talked about his works – Hip­gnos­is Stu­dio: Pink Floyd and Bey­ond – on dis­play at MArTA.

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And finally the enorm­ous and very pop­u­lar Carlo Mas­sar­ini who spoke once again and always in new words about the enorm­ous Pink Floyd. And always to them, to Pink Floyd, Taranto over­look­ing the para­pet of Corso Due Mari and sit­ting at the tables of the bars and res­taur­ants, enjoyed a power­ful audi­ovisu­al trib­ute pro­jec­ted on the walls of the Aragonese Castle which became a screen and black­board for the occa­sion.

A sta­di­um, that of Taranto, which has been per­fectly con­cluded and which will allow the Med­imex cap­sule to reach Bari — with new pro­fes­sion­al, train­ing and live events — after a 5‑year jour­ney — do you remem­ber Iggy Pop? – in the oth­er Apuli­an com­munit­ies.