Here is MEDIMEX 2024!

The Smile (first date in Italy), Pulp (only Itali­an date) and The Jesus and Mary Chain (only date in South­ern Italy) at Med­imex 2024, Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al & Music Con­fer­ence to be held in Taranto from June 19 to 23 pro­moted by Puglia Sounds, the Puglia Region pro­gram for the devel­op­ment of the region­al music sys­tem imple­men­ted with Teatro Pub­blico Pugliese — Region­al Con­sor­ti­um for Arts and Cul­ture.

This year, Med­imex will once again offer great inter­na­tion­al con­certs and numer­ous events for music pro­fes­sion­als and the gen­er­al pub­lic. This year’s edi­tion will focus on Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence, a cent­ral theme for music and human­ity, through pan­els, meet­ings, exhib­i­tions and a series of oth­er events. Two even­ings of con­certs will take place at the Rotonda del Lun­go­mare in Taranto: on Sat­urday, June 22, The Smile, the band of Thom Yorke and Jonny Green­wood of Radi­o­head with Tom Skin­ner, and on Sunday, June 23, The Jesus and Mary Chain, a cult band of the 1980s cel­eb­rat­ing its 40th anniversary this year, and Pulp, an icon of the Eng­lish music scene (pre­s­ale tick­ets avail­able from Monday, April 8, 2024 at 3 p.m. on the Tick­etone and Viv­atick­et web­sites.

The con­certs of this year’s great inter­na­tion­al artists will be accom­pan­ied by a pro­gram of show­cases — selec­ted through a pub­lic call already avail­able on the web­site — that will present 19 of the most inter­est­ing pro­jects from the world, jazz, indie/pop/rock (urb­an, elec­tron­ic, rap, etc.) music scene from Puglia and all over Italy.

Spe­cial atten­tion will also be giv­en to pro­fes­sion­al and net­work­ing events, with numer­ous meet­ings with the prot­ag­on­ists of the Itali­an music industry and the par­ti­cip­a­tion of the net­works Keep on Live, I‑Jazz and Rete Itali­ana World Music. The Music Busi­ness Schools will also be back, offer­ing young people the oppor­tun­ity to get closer to the world of music and pro­fes­sion­als the chance to acquire new skills and exper­i­ence.

There will also be events ded­ic­ated to the his­tor­ic­al ant­ag­on­ism and rivalry between great artists, an exhib­i­tion ded­ic­ated to John Len­non, from the past to arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, and the nation­al premiere of a film on Marc Bolan and T. Rex.

Finally, present­a­tions, video map­ping, music books and numer­ous side events. The full pro­gram for Med­imex 2024 will be announced in the com­ing weeks. Con­stant updates will be avail­able on the web­site.

Med­imex is a pro­ject of Puglia Sounds, the pro­gram of the Region of Puglia for the devel­op­ment of the region­al music sys­tem, imple­men­ted togeth­er with Teatro Pub­blico Pugliese — Region­al Con­sor­ti­um for Arts and Cul­ture, fun­ded by POC PUGLIA 2014/2020 I Axis VI Action 6. 8 imple­men­ted with­in the frame­work of the agree­ment between Teatro Pub­blico Pugliese and Pugliapro­mozione, the Region­al Tour­ism Agency, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Assessor­ato alle Politiche Giovanili Regione Puglia/ARTI with the sup­port of SIAE — Soci­età Itali­ana degli Autori ed Editori (Itali­an Roy­al­ties Col­lec­tion for Authors and Pub­lish­ers) and with the con­tri­bu­tion of Birra Raffo, Med­imex offi­cial beer.