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Taranto 2021

XI Edi­tion . 15–19 Septem­ber
The Med­imex wave returns to Taranto and online. A packed pro­gram of show­cases, author meet­ings, exhib­i­tions, pro­fes­sion­al activ­it­ies, music schools, films and present­a­tions.

The wave of Med­imex returns to Taranto and online, from 15 to 19 Septem­ber 2021. The Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al & Music Con­fer­ence, pro­moted by Puglia Sounds, the Puglia Region pro­gram for the devel­op­ment of the region­al music sys­tem imple­men­ted by the Teatro Pub­blico Pugliese, will is car­ried out through a busy pro­gram of show­cases, author meet­ings, exhib­i­tions, pro­fes­sion­al activ­it­ies, music schools, films and present­a­tions. A hybrid edi­tion, with in-per­son and stream­ing events, which had change as its cent­ral theme.

More than 50 events, hun­dreds of guests and artists, includ­ing Lig­abue, Malika Ayane, Gaia, Aiello, Coma_Cose, hos­ted online and in the places of the Uni­ver­sity, the Fusco Theat­er, the Aragonese Castle, the G. Pais­i­ello Con­ser­vat­ory and the Spazi­o­porto . And for oper­at­ors, an entire plat­form designed to facil­it­ate net­work­ing activ­it­ies which can be reached at partecipa.medimex.it.

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Larocca, Gaia Gen­tile, Marmo, Chro­mo­pho­bia, Under­world Vam­pires, Erica Mou, Car­o­lina Bub­bico, Muriki, Stain, Nin­fea


Rad­ic­anto, Ter­raross, I Tam­burrel­listi di Torre Paduli, Tarantula Gar­gan­ica, Clau­dio Prima & Pro­getto Se. Me., Maria Moramarco, Mas­car­imirì, Mimmo Epi­fani & Josè Bar­ros.


Vince Abbrac­ci­ante, Michele Fazio, Kekko For­n­arelli, Soul Hunters, Roberto Ottavi­ano, Gaetano Par­ti­pilo & Boom Col­lect­ive, Arm­strong and the Moon­walk­ers, Guido Di Leone e Francesca Leone feat Trio Cor­rente.

The more than fifty Med­imex events are open, free and access­ible in per­son and online. The pro­gram includes numer­ous events ded­ic­ated to music pro­fes­sion­als, train­ing and music enthu­si­asts.

In col­lab­or­a­tion with Sug­ar Music Pub­lish­ing and the con­sultancy of Ser­penti, 3 days of activ­it­ies took place, 18 hours in total, to which 18 young people (born from 1990 onwards) admit­ted through selec­tion had access. The par­ti­cipants worked very closely with the tutors, in a 1:2 ratio, with par­tic­u­lar atten­tion paid to teach­ing. There are two macro-work areas: one ded­ic­ated to Pro­du­cers and one to Toplines (or melody, for old school lov­ers) and lyr­ics. This is to respond to the cur­rent situ­ation in the world of author­ship. At the end of each day, a les­son in uni­fied classes, with a super tutor. And fur­ther­more, for the most inter­est­ing and deserving, accord­ing to the tutors and Mario Cian­chi (A&R pub­lish­ing of Sug­ar), a pub­lish­ing con­tract with Sug­ar Music Pub­lish­ing.

Three exhib­i­tions inaug­ur­ated in the city on the occa­sion of the 2021 edi­tion of Med­imex: “Pic­tures of You”, cur­ated by the Cir­colo Foto­grafico Il Cas­tello, in the Muni­cip­al Gal­lery of the Aragonese Castle, open from 15 Septem­ber to 3 Octo­ber; “Kev­in Cum­mins – Joy Divi­sion and Bey­ond”, cur­ated by ONO con­tem­por­ary art, hos­ted by the Nation­al Archae­olo­gic­al Museum of Taranto MArTA from 15 Septem­ber 2021 to 23 Janu­ary 2022. And, again “Musica di Carta – 60 years of music­al news­pa­pers”, exhib­i­tion of Itali­an and inter­na­tion­al themed magazines col­lec­ted by Ern­esto Assante, hos­ted by the Uni­ver­sity of Taranto from 16 to 19 Septem­ber 2021.

Fur­ther­more, the Aragonese Castle of the Ioni­an cap­it­al hos­ted the artist­ic-music­al install­a­tion entitled 3D Waves from 15 to 18 Septem­ber 2021, a three-dimen­sion­al work by Her­mes Mangi­alardo, video map­ping cur­ated by Valentina Iac­ov­elli and pro­duced by CONTEMPO Arte e Cul­tura CONTEMPORANEA.